Programming Course in C# ¡Free!

Exercise (tasks)

 Saturday, April 06, 2013 published by Exercises C#
Proposed exercise

Create a C# program that can store up to 2000 "to-do tasks". For each task, it must keep the following data:

• Date (a set of 3 data: day, month and year)
• Description of task
• Level of importance (1 to 10)
• Category

The program should allow the user the following operations:

1 - Add a new task (the date must "seem correct": day 1 to 31, month 1 to 12, year between 1000 and 3000).

2 - Show the tasks between two certain dates (day, month and year). If the user presses Enter without specifying date, it will be taken as "today". It must display the number of each record, the date (DD/ MM/YYYY), description, category and importance, all in the same line, separated with hyphens.

3 - Find tasks that contain a certain text (in description or category, not case sensitive). It will display number, date and description (only 50 letters, in case it was be longer). The user should be notified if none is found.

4 - Update a record (it will ask for the number, will display the previous value of each field and the user can press Enter not to modify any of the data). The user should be warned (but not asked again) if he enters an incorrect record number. It is not necessary to validate any of the fields.

5 - Delete some data, between two positions indicated by the user. The user should be warned (but not asked again) if he enters any incorrect record number. Each record to be deleted must be displayed, and the user must be asked for confirmation.

6 - Sort the data alphabetically by date and (if two dates are the same) by description.

7 - Find Duplicates: If two records have the same description, both will be displayed on-screen.

Q - Quit (end the application; as we do not store the information, it will be lost).

(Hint: you can know the current date using DateTime.Now.Day, DateTime.Now.Month and DateTime.Now.Year).



using System;
public class TasksDatabase
struct DateType
public ushort year;
public byte month;
public byte day;

struct TaskType
public DateType date;
public string description;
public byte level;
public string category;

public static void Main()
TaskType[] tasks = new TaskType[2000];
char option;
int c = 0;
string search, newValue;
bool found;

Console.WriteLine("Tasks database");
Console.WriteLine("1- Add a new task.");
Console.WriteLine("2- Show the tasks between two certain dates.");
Console.WriteLine("3- Find tasks that contain a certain text.");
Console.WriteLine("4- Update a record.");
Console.WriteLine("5- Delete some data, between two positions indicated.");
Console.WriteLine("6- Sort the data alphabetically by date.");
Console.WriteLine("7- Find Duplicates.");
Console.WriteLine("Q- Quit.");
Console.WriteLine("Enter an option:");
option = Convert.ToChar( Console.ReadLine().ToUpper() );

switch (option)
case '1':
if (c < capacity)
Console.Write("Enter the Description of the task: ");
tasks[c].description = Console.ReadLine();

Console.Write("Enter the Level of the task (1-10): ");
tasks[c].level = Convert.ToByte(Console.ReadLine());

Console.Write("Enter the Category of the task: ");
tasks[c].category = Console.ReadLine();

Console.Write("Enter the Day of the task (1 to 31): ");
tasks[c] = Convert.ToByte(Console.ReadLine());
if (tasks[c] < 1 || tasks[c] > 31)
Console.WriteLine("Not a valid day!");
while (tasks[c] < 1 || tasks[c] > 31);

Console.Write("Enter the Month of the task (1 to 12): ");
tasks[c].date.month = Convert.ToByte(Console.ReadLine());
if (tasks[c].date.month < 1 || tasks[c].date.month > 12)
Console.WriteLine("Not a valid month!");
while (tasks[c].date.month < 1 || tasks[c].date.month > 12);

Console.Write("Enter the Year of the task: ");
tasks[c].date.year = Convert.ToUInt16(Console.ReadLine());
if (tasks[c].date.year < 1000 || tasks[c].date.year > 3000)
Console.WriteLine("Not a valid year!");
while (tasks[c].date.year < 1000 || tasks[c].date.year > 3000);
Console.WriteLine("Database full.");

case '2':
if (c >= 1)
byte startDay, startMonth;
ushort startYear;
byte endDay, endMonth;
ushort endYear;

Console.WriteLine("Starting day: ");
string number = Console.ReadLine();

if (number == "")
startDay = Convert.ToByte(DateTime.Now.Day);
startDay = Convert.ToByte(number);

Console.WriteLine("Starting month: ");
number = Console.ReadLine();
if (number == "")
startMonth = Convert.ToByte(DateTime.Now.Month);
startMonth = Convert.ToByte(number);

Console.WriteLine("Starting year: ");
number = Console.ReadLine();                       
if (number == "")
startYear = Convert.ToUInt16(DateTime.Now.Year);
startYear = Convert.ToUInt16(number);

Console.WriteLine("Final day: ");
number = Console.ReadLine();
if (number == "")
endDay = Convert.ToByte(DateTime.Now.Day);
endDay = Convert.ToByte(number);

Console.WriteLine("Final month: ");
number = Console.ReadLine();
if (number == "")
endMonth = Convert.ToByte(DateTime.Now.Month);
endMonth = Convert.ToByte(number);

Console.WriteLine("Final year: ");
number = Console.ReadLine();
if (number == "")
endYear = Convert.ToUInt16(DateTime.Now.Year);
endYear = Convert.ToUInt16(number);

string startDate = "" + startYear +
startMonth.ToString("00") + startDay.ToString("00");
string endDate = "" + endYear +
endMonth.ToString("00") + endDay.ToString("00");

for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
string currentDate = "" + tasks[i].date.year +
tasks[i].date.month.ToString("00") + tasks[i]"00");
if (currentDate.CompareTo(startDate) >= 0 && currentDate.CompareTo(endDate) <= 0)
Console.WriteLine("The number is {0}: {1}/{2}/" +
"{3} - {4} - {5} - {6}.", i + 1,
tasks[i], tasks[i].date.month,
tasks[i].date.year, tasks[i].description,
tasks[i].category, tasks[i].level);
Console.WriteLine("Database empty.");

case '3': 
if (c >= 1)
Console.Write("Enter the text to search: ");
search = Console.ReadLine();
found = false;
string newValue5;

for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
if (tasks[i].description.IndexOf(search) >= 0
|| tasks[i].category.IndexOf(search) >= 0)
if (tasks[i].description.Length > 50)
newValue5 = tasks[i].description.Substring(0, 50);
newValue5 = tasks[i].description;

found = true;
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}/{2}/{3} - {4}",
i + 1, tasks[i], tasks[i].date.month,
tasks[i].date.year, newValue5);
if (!found)
Console.WriteLine("Not found.");
Console.WriteLine("Database empty.");

case '4': 
if (c >= 1)
Console.Write("Enter the number of the task to update: ");
int update = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()) - 1;
if ((update >= 0) && (update < c))
Console.Write("Description ({0}): ", 
newValue = Console.ReadLine();
if (newValue != "")
tasks[update].description = newValue;

Console.WriteLine("Level ({0}): ",
newValue = Console.ReadLine();
if (newValue != "")
tasks[update].level = Convert.ToByte(newValue);

Console.WriteLine("Category ({0}): ", 
newValue = Console.ReadLine();
if (newValue != "")
tasks[update].category = newValue;

Console.WriteLine("Year ({0}): ", 
newValue = Console.ReadLine();
if (newValue != "")
tasks[update].date.year = Convert.ToUInt16(newValue);

Console.WriteLine("Month ({0}): ",
newValue = Console.ReadLine();
if (newValue != "")
tasks[update].date.month = Convert.ToByte(newValue);

Console.WriteLine("Day ({0}): ", 
newValue = Console.ReadLine();
if (newValue != "")
tasks[update] = Convert.ToByte(newValue);
Console.WriteLine("Wrong number entered.");
Console.WriteLine("Database empty.");

case '5': 
if (c >= 1)
Console.Write("Enter the first number of data to delete: ");
int delete = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()) - 1;
Console.Write("Enter the second number of data to delete: ");
int delete2 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()) - 1;

for (int pos = delete; pos <= delete2; pos++)
for (int i = delete; i < c; i++)
tasks[i] = tasks[i+1];
c --;
Console.WriteLine("Database empty.");

case '6': 
for (int i = 0; i < c - 1; i++)
string firstDate = "" + tasks[i].date.year +
tasks[i].date.month.ToString("00") + 
tasks[i]"00") +
for (int j = i + 1; j < c; j++)
string secondDate = "" + tasks[j].date.year +
tasks[j].date.month.ToString("00") + 
tasks[j]"00") +

if (firstDate.CompareTo(secondDate) > 0)
TaskType aux = tasks[i];
tasks[i] = tasks[j];
tasks[j] = aux;

case '7': 
for (int i = 0; i < c - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < c; j++)
if (tasks[i].description == tasks[j].description)
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}/{2}/{3}",
tasks[i].description, tasks[i],
tasks[i].date.month, tasks[i].date.year);
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}/{2}/{3}",
tasks[j].description, tasks[j],
tasks[j].date.month, tasks[j].date.year);
case 'Q':

Console.WriteLine("Wrong option");
while (option != 'Q');